The School-wide Learning Expectations are skills, values and competencies that the Nativity Catholic School community anticipates students to have gained by the time of their graduation. The expectations are introduced at an age-appropriate time, and are enhanced and reviewed throughout the student's time at Nativity.
Nativity School
An Active Catholic Christian who...
...demonstrates a knowledge of their Catholic faith
... are active churchgoers
...contributes their time, treasure and talent to the church
...strives to do what Christ would do
A Problem Solver who...
...gathers, organizes and effectively uses information
...applies multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving and completing tasks
...demonstrates the use of technological skills
An Effective Communicator who...
...are able to clearly communicate ideas in a variety of ways
...appreciates different points of view
...demonstrate a willingness to listen
A Self Aware Individual who...
...are aware that he or she is a unique individual created and loved by God
...respects themselves physically, mentally and emotionally
...are able to establish and work toward realistic goals
A Globally Aware Citizen who...
...cultivates an understanding of current events
...respects other cultures
...practices tolerance and compassion toward all God's children
...respects and actively cares for the environment